District Court New South Wales

Media must comply with legislation about the publication of court proceedings.

In NSW, court and tribunal hearings are generally open to media unless otherwise ordered.

However, media are not to take photographs, sound recordings and/or video recordings in courtrooms, or anywhere else within a court complex, without special permission.

Closed court in sensitive proceedings

In some sensitive cases, media representatives may be excluded from court proceedings. This is known as a closed court. It is up to the judge or magistrate to decide whether to close the court.

The judge can also make an order preventing media from publishing all or any part of a matter (Section 7 Court Suppression and Non-Publication Orders Act 2010).

Media cannot identify children involved in any court proceeding (Section 15A Children Act 1987). Children are defined as people under the age of 18 years old. In NSW, this includes people who were children at the time an offence was committed, even if they are adults now. This law also applies to missing and deceased children.

Media also cannot identify complainants in certain sexual offences (Section 578A Crimes Act 1900).

Contempt of court and the media

Media representatives should seek legal advice from their own organisations on what is considered contempt of court.

As a broad guideline, the media should not:

  • publish information that is likely to prejudice a fair trial
  • speak to or have contact with jurors
  • report on prior convictions of defendants or accused people
  • report alleged confessions by the accused
  • make comments as distinct from reports of the court case before a judgment has been made
  • interfere with officers of the court or witnesses

Use of mobile phones or other devices by journalists

See ‘Media resources’ below.

Access to court files

See ‘Media resources’ below.

Civil proceedings

The same media entitlements that apply in criminal matters under Section 314 Criminal Procedures Act 1986 do not automatically apply in civil matters. Limited information on civil matters is available to media until the matter is finalised. The District Court does not grant media representatives access to civil files until the matter is finalised.

Community Justice Centres

Community Justice Centre mediations are confidential and not open to media.

Media contacts

Email: mediadistrictcourt@dcj.nsw.gov.au - external site
Phone: 0475 822 661

Media resources

For more information, see media resources - external site .

Media releases

Find the latest media resources - external site  from the Department of Communities and Justice.

Last updated:

05 Oct 2023

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