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When a Coroner investigates a death, fire or explosion, the court gathers a range of documents which make up the coronial file. At the end of the investigation the Coroner makes a finding/determination.
Approximately only three (3) percent of matters reported to a Coroner in New South Wales go to inquest. An inquest is a public Court hearing. The majority of Coroner's findings which follow an inquest are publicly accessible online.
The vast majority of matters reported to the Coroner are determined in chambers and do not require an inquest or court hearing. The Coroner's findings in those matters are not made public.
Anyone can apply to the Court to access coronial documents for any matter. All applicants are required to prove that they have a significant interest or a clear link to the deceased person as grounds for application. Every application goes before a Coroner for consideration before any documents can be approved to release.
Prior to applying, please consider that it may be upsetting to read details about a loved one's death. Some information may be distressing and/or graphic in nature.
A coronial file can contain many different documents. This will depend on how complex the investigation is. Documents can include:
The law imposes strict limitations on the release of coronial documents because these documents contain very personal and sometimes highly sensitive information.
The Senior Next-of-Kin can receive documents on an open file without charge by sending in a written request to the Court or completing the application form linked below. If the senior next-of-kin does not want coronial documents to be sent out to anyone else, they must indicate this in writing to the Coroner as soon as possible stating their reasons. The ultimate decision on whether such documents are released to any applicant is made by the Coroner.
Other family members (who are not the senior next-of-kin), may be considered to have an appropriate interest to receive coronial documents. These applicants will need to attach proof of their relationship with the deceased to their application - such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or any other documents which support the application. They will also need to state in their application the reasons why they are seeking access to the coronial documents.
Documents may also be released to:
To apply for access to coronial documents, please complete the Application for access to coronial documents form (PDF, 112.1 KB) and post or email it to the Court at which the matter is being determined, or was determined. A full list of NSW Courts and their contact details can be accessed here.
Please ensure that this form is completed in full and returned either by email or post to the relevant Court.
The Coroner managing the coronial case will determine whether to grant or refuse your application. In some cases the Coroner may impose a condition on access to the document.
If a Coroner refuses your application they will provide reasons, such as where access may hinder an ongoing criminal investigation or the person who applied does not have a sufficient interest in the coronial matter.
Applications to access historical coronial files must be made on a Form 24 Application to Access Coronial Documents (PDF, 112.1 KB) and sent to the Coroner at the Court where the matter was determined.
Applications to access coronial files where the death occurred between 1963 to 2000 will only be considered where the applicant completes the Form 24 and also attaches the following documentation:
Applications to access coronial files where the death was prior to 1963 should be made directly to State Records of NSW.
The length of time it takes for the application to be processed varies as it is dependent on how recent the matter is, the workload of the Coroner with carriage, and the resources of the Court to which your application is made. Priority is given to processing applications for matters currently before a Coroner over requests for historical records.
Please note that for many deaths where some level of post mortem examination occurred, it can take twelve (12) months or more for the Coroner to receive the post mortem report and complete the investigation.
In some cases the Court will need to contact the Senior next of kin to let them know an application has been received and seek their views on release of the documents. The Coroner has a statutory responsibility to consider these views when making a determination on release of coronial documents.
For applications to access historical coronial records please allow up to twelve (12) months for your application to be processed, noting your application may not be processed if it does not contain the supporting documentation stated in the preceding paragraph.
If you are the senior next-of-kin fees are typically not payable, unless your request relates to historical archived records.
There are fees to retrieve historical coronial files from the government records repository and to obtain copies of coronial documents. These are contained in the Civil Procedure Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2020 and as at the 1 July 2024 are:
If your application to access is granted you will be sent an invoice indicating the fee payable. Please note that coronial documents will not be provided until this invoice is paid.
The following government agencies are exempt from paying fees. The specific exemptions apply to both transcript and copying fees unless otherwise stated.
If you cannot afford to pay the fees, you may apply to have the fees waived or postponed. For more information, see the courts' fee waiver policy
Applications by media to access coronial documents or any other material concerning a coronial inquest must be made through the Department of Communities and Justice media unit.
Guidelines to media on the protocol at the Forensic Medicine and Coroners Court complex at Lidcombe are available at this link (PDF, 169.7 KB).
04 Mar 2025
We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, past, present and future.