Coroners Court New South Wales


Services and Support

If you are a relative or someone else affected by a death reported to the Coroner, there are support services available to you, including:

  • free short-term counselling
  • referral to other agencies for ongoing support
  • support for individuals and families exposed to deaths occurring in traumatic circumstances
  • support for family and friends of missing persons
  • assistance with understanding the role of the coroner and the court's processes
  • assistance for people with disabilities

Some of these services are provided by the Coroners Court, while others are provided by partner agencies and specialist social service providers.

Coronial Information and Support Program

The Coroner's involvement  in a death occurs at a time of great personal distress for the family and friends of that person. The Coronial Information and Support Program (CISP) is available to provide information and support to persons affected by deaths reported to the Coroner in New South Wales. CISP staff also facilitate communication between the Coroner and persons who have contact with the coronial jurisdiction.

The Aboriginal Coronial and Information Support Program (ACISP) can provide information and support to Aboriginal clients and families in a culturally safe and sensitive manner to assist Aboriginal people and families in navigating the coronial process.

The services provided by CISP/ACISP  are as follows:

  • Assisting next of kin and those who have contact with the coronial jurisdiction to understand the role and legal powers of the Coroner.
  • Assisting next of kin and those who have contact with the coronial jurisdiction to understand coronial processes (for example, how information is gathered for the Coroner, how to access the post mortem report, how decisions are made regarding the holding or dispensing with inquests). 
  • With the permission of the Coroner, providing support to next of kin if sensitive information, for example photographs, forensic reports, videos, or CCTV footage are being viewed.
  • Providing general information about the inquest process. This can include court familiarisation and practical information about attending Court and emotional support during inquest proceedings (for example, ensuring appropriate breaks and provision of private space during the giving or hearing of distressing evidence). CISP however cannot provide legal advice.
  • Providing specific support and preparation to family and friends if they are to appear as a witness at a coronial inquest.
  • Advising family and friends of other appropriate services as needed.
  • Providing education around the role of the Coroner and the provisions of the Coroners Act to various professional and community groups having contact with, or an interest in, the coronial jurisdiction.

Forensic Medicine Social Work service

The Forensic Medicine Service has a team of specialist social workers who can assist you and your family with emotional and practical support shortly after the loss of a loved one. 

The social work service provides client-focused, short-term, early intervention support for people experiencing a sudden, unexpected death.

Further information on the support provided to families by the forensic medicine social work team and other support services,  is available on their website at this link.

Contact details

The Forensic Medicine Social Work Service operates Monday-Friday during business hours.

It has an after-hours service on weekends for urgent cases and formal identifications/viewings which are made by appointment.

Forensic Medicine - Sydney

Forensic Medicine & Corners Court Complex

1A Main Ave


02 9563 9000

Forensic Medicine – Newcastle              

John Hunter Hospital Campus

Rosella Close


02 4935 9700 (Mon-Fri)

02 4921 3000 (weekends)

Forensic Medicine - Wollongong

Wollongong Hospital Campus

Loftus Street

Wollongong NSW 2500

02 4222 5466 (Mon –Fri)

4222 5000 (weekends) 1-5pm and ask to speak to the on call social worker

Coping with suicide

If you are dealing with the suicide of someone you know, it is important to find support to make sense of what has happened, deal with your grief and learn how to live with your loss.

The following resources may provide assistance:

StandBy - Support after Suicide - a program focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life.

Lifeline-  Lifeline centres across Australia run a variety of services designed to support people affected by suicide.

The NSW Suicide Monitoring System- was launched in November 2020. This is a collaboration between the NSW Ministry of Health, Department of Communities and Justice, the State Coroner and NSW Police.  It estimates the number of recent suspected and confirmed suicides in NSW, using data collected by NSW Police and the State Coroner.

Access for people with disability

The Coroners Court is committed to assisting people with disabilities. If you have a disability, contact the particular court you need to attend to find out about access options available to you.

Some services may be available to make it easier for you to attend court. For example, most courts can arrange for an infra-red hearing loop to be available on the day of the inquest or inquiry. Auslan interpreters can also be arranged.

The following pages contain general information on assistance:

Services for people with a disability

How to request court assistance

Please download and fill in a Request for Court Assistance form (PDF, 171.0 KB) to let the court staff know what access you require. Complete the form and submit it to the court you need to attend.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment, call 133 677 to contact us through the National Relay Service

Last updated:

13 Mar 2025

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