Our partners

We have a lot to be proud of, collectively our work changes lives in a positive way.

Hands folding cleaning linen on large table

Hear from our partners

Our partners are varied, but they all have one goal in common, by working with CSI, they contribute to creating safer communities for us all.  Providing people in custody with the opportunity to participate in meaningful work and develop skills they can use in the community significantly enhances the opportunity for post release employment.

Person using a circular saw with bright orange sparks
Engaged CSI as part of a refurbishment program
BGIS branded linen
Our partnership creates pathways for employment
RFS person wearing a RFS safety vest
Making a real difference for first responders
Person preparing packaged goods
Work upholding social commitment to rehabilitation
Inmate working with tools on kitchen installation
Rebuilding together: Inmates contribute to Northern Rivers flood recovery
Last updated:

30 Jan 2025